This interview was GREAT! You do not want to miss it. Jason has information that connects the dots. Very, very interesting... 'How the Borg works'.... I think I will watch it again! Thx Cliff!
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
EXJW Fifth Interviews Jason Wynne - Founder of
by Wakanda in
simply fabulous.
cha ching
Interview with Dagney
by Dagney intell us a little about yourself and your family.. i was born and raised in southern california, with a brief stint with parents as need-greaters in central america.
my parents accepted a study in the d2d work, i believe my father was interested in the revolutionary aspect of the religion, and my mom said she wanted to learn the bible.
they were baptized in 1937 i think, and attended the one and only los angeles kh at the time.
cha ching
Hi Dagney! I like this! Dagney & I (and my husband) met at the Apostafest in Tahoe. She and Aude Sapere were two of the most 'listeningenst' peoples there (besides Mr & Mrs Flipper, haha) and going there was GREAT! We met many people that we are still friends with and keep in contact with.
Also, people from our area, California, were there that we had not seen/spoken with for 40 years! All the dots started connecting... Very interesting. If you CAN, it is GREAT to hold a camping trip / ApostaFest in your area. Very worthwhile.
Thx Dagney!
Hopefully this will educate the public and help end the WT's rule of secrecy at all costs
by cha ching ini'm glad barbara wrote this book - "barbara anderson uncensored: eyewitness to deceit" - it will be an eye opener for the public who only see the polite people at carts or walking door to door.
it will help them see who the wt really is through her experiences working at bethel in the writing department.
i liked the contribution of bonnie zieman and jon atack who additionally help expose the type of control wt exerts, and what the aftermath of child sex abuse has on it's jw victims.. it's a fairly short book, 71 pages, it explains barbara's reasons for continuing her activism against child sexual abuse.
cha ching
I'm glad Barbara wrote this book - "Barbara Anderson Uncensored: Eyewitness to Deceit" - it will be an eye opener for the public who only see the polite people at carts or walking door to door. It will help them see who the WT really is through her experiences working at Bethel in the writing department.
I liked the contribution of Bonnie Zieman and Jon Atack who additionally help expose the type of control WT exerts, and what the aftermath of child sex abuse has on it's JW victims.
It's a fairly short book, 71 pages, it explains Barbara's reasons for continuing her activism against child sexual abuse. At the end of the book she goes into more detail, relating several experiences, this is one that made my blood boil:
"Elders made a 16-year old Witness girl apologize to a witness man who she accused of sexually abusing her, although police were charging the man with over forty counts of child abuse."
Typical slimebag Watchtower! And.... what did I see at the bottom of her book review on Amazon?
Some WT like drone put a one star review trying to trash it:
Before anyone buys this book, please know that on her own website if you would check, she blames 40 years worth of her own personal and religious decisions she made as an adult, on people whom she never met and never stepped foot in her home.
So expect to find plenty of “everyone else is to blame except me” commentary, or how a grown woman was mysteriously “controlled” by people hundreds of miles away.
Look her up — then will you be an eye-witnesses to deceit.What!? She was baptized at 14! We all know the WT doesn't have to be "in our home" to exert influence, we have all lived "the control" by seven men, hundreds of miles away!
cha ching
I am glad the Russians figured out WT's sly moves "donating land to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York in the US, but still using it as before".... The WT thought they could get away with saying "Oh, it's not owned by Russian JWs, it belongs to a corporation in the U.S."
I guess there is someone who CAN stand up to the WT.
New York's Attorney General, Schneiderman Statement On Assembly Passage Of The Child Victims Act
by AndersonsInfo in
a.g. schneiderman statement on assembly passage of the child victims act .
news from attorney general eric t. schneiderman.
cha ching
Personally, I think the tide is turning. When my husband and I went to Sacramento to speak with the law makers, we were met with warm reception, they were willing to help.
When my husband went to speak before the Senate committee regarding the 'let's stop sexual harrassment' I found the response of BOTH parties very heartening. They were not divided or cutting down one another, but were genuinely interested in getting to the root of the problem, and looking for solutions.
The "culture" of this United States can change. Each of us can be a part of it. Perhaps caring about our children will be the thing that unites us.
Norwegian Article in English: THE ELDER
by AndersonsInfo inyou’ll find this article very long and very interesting.
it was published as part of a series of articles in a quality newspaper in southern norway.
as seen from the article, the journalists have been working on this article for several months.
cha ching
Excellent reporting!
It seems that JW victims are either not aware or considering that reporting to the police is absolutely necessary to prevent harm to other victims.
THEY act like the ones who are hurt??!!
by stuckinarut2 init really amazes me when jws act like we are hurting them!.
many of us have found that if we stop associating with them for valid reasons, they act all upset and hurt that we would be "so cruel as to limit our association or cut them off".
i know of friends here on the forum who have been told by parents that they "will shun them if they leave jehovah" , and yet when the shoe is on the other foot and our awake friends shun them first, the parents cry and bemoan the situation and say how "cruel it is to deprive them of their company".
cha ching
As always, the borg repeats phrases like "you hurt us, you left us" is repeated in talks, conventions, etc.
You know that when everyone now says it, and believes it.
There is No Way Out For Me
by Addison0998 ini have come to the conclusion that there is no way for me to ever leave.
although i have some friends at work, my whole social structure are witnesses.
even if i move congregations, my parents have contacts everywhere who will tell them if i’m not active.
cha ching
What everyone else says is great....
One thing I did when leaving, to keep people off my trail (like being hunted) was just "turn in time"... that means I didn't even go door to door... I just wrote numbers on a time slip, it's very freeing, haha. After all, if there is no Jehovah, or if JWs are not the "true religion", it is all a bunch of bunk, and you are just playing a game..... so "play the game" and write numbers on a piece of paper.
Second thing: when you DO move out (will you still be in the same hall?) you can have excuses... "My water pipe broke" "Traffic held me up" "I got a headache from my boss" "I felt nauseated" and no one will know. No one can see... Just spread these events out at first. Come late to the meeting "Boss had me work longer, was witnessing to someone, had a bad traffic jam" ... Do NOT answer at the meetings, sit in the back, leave right away.... this will make you 'less seen', less noticed... you will become a ghost.
You can always add in an appearance of "I am doing great" from time to time... Hopefully, you will be going to a new hall. That would be great!
Best to you!
"You owe Jehovah humility and HONESTY" - an email from a JW
by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho inhey forum goers.
i'd like your opinions on constructing an email reply to this shocker below.
bit of background about the sender: she is a middle-aged, cheery uberdub whose siblings left when a schism occured in her congregation in canada way back when.
cha ching
How about: "woe! Thanks for asking how my son is doing! Next time you want to tell someone how righteous you are, write someone else!"
Two big points that need to be emphasized in JDub pedophile discussions
by Sour Grapes ini love watching the jw cart crashers on youtube and how the zombie, brain dead, we are so much better than you jdubs react.
when they do talk a little about the two witness rule they will mention the need for proof and the testimony of the poor child is just not enough to take the inquiry any further.. the reason for calling the police is immediately is that dna can be gathered from the poor victim.
this evidence is the second witness used for prosecution.
cha ching
Very true, SG, pedophilia is a crime, and police handle crime.
In our hall, when a Ped returned from prison (most of the congregation had no clue) it was only after a real estate agent saw him on Megan's list did anyone know. She was so mad. BUT, her husband, I believe, was an elder.
You are correct.. Kids outside of the religion ate ALSO put in danger.
WT has a "me first" attitude.